![]() Acupuncture is a branch of Traditional Chinese Medicine that was founded thousands of years ago Acupuncture literally means needle piercing and involves the practice of inserting very fine sterile needles into the skin to stimulate specific points on the body called acupuncture points. Over the past three decades electromagnetic research has confirmed the existence of Acupuncture points. |
![]() Acupuncture works by promoting the body to heal itself. It works with the body's vital energy called Qi (pronounced Chee). This energy flows in pathways in the body called meridians, if the flow of energy is blocked there is pain, or pathological symptoms occur. Acupuncture promotes the stagnant or deficient energy to move to promote healing. Is Acupuncture safe? When it is performed by a fully trained licensed professional it is extremely safe. Sterile individually packed needles are used, possibility of infection is very rare. How much does it cost for an Acupuncture treatment? Acupuncture treatments at CBS Wellness Center cost $125.00 for the initial assessment and first treatment, and $80.00 for subsequent treatments. The first treatment costs more because it takes longer, a detailed health and social history must be taken. |
Is Acupuncture covered by Insurance? You would have to check with your Insurance plan, to see what coverage is available to you for Acupuncture treatment. |
What disorders can be treated by Acupuncture? Acupuncture is recognized to be effective in the treatment of many disorders such as: Toothaches, earaches, sinusitis, asthma, colds and flu Cystitis, menstrual irregularity, endometriosis, PMS, and menopause Low back pain, TMJ, sciatica, arthritis, carpal tunnel syndrome, fibromyalgia, and frozen shoulder Depression, Anxiety, stress, headache, dizziness and tinnitus. |
![]() It is quite common to have a feeling of deep relaxation after treatment. Sometimes there may even be a mild sense of disorientation, this passes over time. On occasion it is possible for the original condition to flare up. There may be changes in apetite, sleeping patterns, urination or bowel movements. There is no need for concern, these are just indications that the body is healing itself. Do I have to believe in Acupuncture for it to work? Belief in Acupuncture or the theories behind it is not necessary for an Acupuncture treatment to be successful. Acupuncture is completed successfully on animals that cannot understand the process or believe that it works. A positive attitude about wellness may reinforce the effectiveness of the treatments, just as a negative attitude may hinder the results of any treatment. Does Acupuncture hurt? Acupuncture can be described as virtually painless. Most times a mild sensation or tingle can be felt at the site of insertion. A slight numbness or an electrical pulsation can be felt or can be felt in areas distant from the site, this usually disappears after the needles are re- moved. Most people usually fall asleep during treatments, and feel quite relaxed afterwards. How many treatments will I need? The number of treatments will depend on the severity and duration of your complaint. Acute conditions usually require less treatment where chronic conditions require more. To help re- duce the number of treatments the Acupuncturist may recommend nutritional modifications, or other techniques to help increase the effec- tiveness of acupuncture. I have a fear of needles, can I still visit an Acupuncturist? An Acupuncturist is trained to treat using many different modalities of treatment besides needles. Such as: Cupping, Moxibustion, Tui Na (massage) Plum Blossom, Gua Sha, TDP lamp, electro acupuncture, Auricular Acupuncture and Magnetic Therapy. The Acupuncturist may also provide some nutritional advice. What part of my body will be needled? The needles are inserted into the Acupuncture points. The selection of points is based on the person and the type of complaint they have. Needles are inserted shallow in the head fingers and feet, needle depth in other areas is usually determined by the persons size and constitution. |